Knight Davion the Dragon Knight
Table Of Content
6)Skill Builds
7)Item Builds
8)Friends and Enemies
Thank You for reading my guide and also for giving me this chance to show you my way of playing Dragon Knight.Davion is my first hero i ever chosen.I see him being underestimated alot of times because he is not "intimidating" like ther heroes like Nevermore and Sven even though he has potential to be same level or even better then some heroes who make ppl "flee" at the sight of them.I see some experts playing Dk and learned thier build.Almost everytime i see someone play a dk diffrently in a replay or in any LAN games i play and when i reached home,i tried the build myself .Most people see him as a tank because of his dragon blood but i think the most effective way of playing him is mastering all of his pros instead of mastering one.
"After finishing Knight School,Davion and his classmates from other countries,Davion(British),Sven(French),Purist Thunderwrath(American),Nessaj(Indian) and Chen(Chinese) went to aid the sentinels.Davion himself din't know that the 4th prophet sealed the mighty dragon in him when he was an infant.The Current prophet taught him how to manipulate his awesome dragon powers and teach him how to unleash it without losing control.After that,with thier new skills from knight school.Davion and his friends start thier journey to defeat the scourge with Nessaj becoming the spy(thats why hes the only "Knight" in scourge)"
nah...real story...
"Abandoned and forsaken as a child, the Half-bred Dragon Davion sought refuge from the evils of the world, and from the uncontrollable power growing within himself. His search led him to the doorstep of a mighty Druid, who taught him to tap into the massive energies that lay concealed in his blood - a tribute to his ancient Draconian heritage. A master swordsman, Davion smites his foes in his raging frenzy - transforming at will into an Elder Dragon of destructive fiery rage to crush all those that threaten to vanquish his new home."
Attack Range:melee(125)
Base Movespeed: 290
Base STR:19 + 2.8<--Primary
Base AGI:17 + 1.7
Base INT:15 + 1.7
Base Damage: 46-52
Base HP:511
Base Mana:195
Base Armor:4.4
Pros and Cons
Can be played Tanker,Caster and Power House in the same time
Not exactly weak like other late game hero early game
Breath Of Fire is a very good skill early game for him
GG 100% full splash,60 extra movespeed and skadi while in dragon form
Girls dig a manly hero
Not the best Tanker,not the best Caster and not the best Power House
Your stun is the hardest skill to stun with its crap range and damage
Breath Fire-Breathes fire at enemy units which deals damage.
Level 1 - 75 damage.100 mana cost
Level 2 - 150 damage.115 mana cost
Level 3 - 225 damage.130 mana cost
Level 4 - 300 damage.150 mana cost
Cooldown of 12 seconds
Your early game damage+farming+harras enemy hero+pushing skill early game.This is a excellent skill on a melee,slow hitting,slow running hero like DK.He is truly blessed with a farming skill that does sweet damage early game.
Sidenote:Early game when you see 2 creeps dying use this to kill both as 2 creep kill>100-150 mana early game.Be sure to hit your enemy hero too~
Dragon Tail-Knight Davion bashes a melee-range enemy target with the fury of a dragon's tail swipe. Stuns the target and deals minor damage.
Level 1 - Deals 25 damage, stuns for 2.5 seconds.100 mana cost
Level 2 - Deals 50 damage, stuns for 2.75 seconds.100 mana cost
Level 3 - Deals 75 damage, stuns for 3 seconds.100 mana cost
Level 4 - Deals 100 damage, stuns for 3.25 seconds.100 mana cost
Cooldown of 9 seconds
Wow a stun!But in my way of playing 1 point is more then enough for him early as hes other two non-ulti skills we should be pumping.Why you ask?Because Dragon Knight was never the hero killing type early game.He's just the play safe farming and supporting type early game.With 1 level of stun he is able to defend himself against gankers by stunning the opponent with the disable and run back to a safe distance.
Dragon Blood-Grants Dragon Knight blood from his ancient ancestral dragon heritage, which increases health regeneration and armor.
Level 1 - Increases hp regen by 1 and armor by 2.
Level 2 - Increases hp regen by 1 and armor by 4.
Level 3 - Increases hp regen by 3 and armor by 6.
Level 4 - Increases hp regen by 4 and armor by 8.
Sweet!A skill that saves your money.With this skill you don't have to buy a ring of regen at all unless your going for a hood.This skill should be maxed as soon as possible after breath of fire.Why you ask?Because this skill shines the most early game!Its imba armor and hp gives you the power to overtake harassers and nukers if done correctly.
Elder Dragon Form-Transforms the Dragon Knight into a powerful elder dragon. Lasts 60 seconds.
Level 1 - Transforms into a Green Dragon with a corrosive breath attack.
Level 2 - Transforms into a Red Dragon with a splash attack.
Level 3 - Transforms into a Blue Dragon with an extremely powerful frost attack.
Dragon Knight turns into a powerful dragon with diffrent abilities.My friend told me not to get his ulti on level 1.Why not?The Corrosive Breath is total pwnage and it also helps you get extra gold from tower as it increases your chance to get tower kills.On level 2 you get splash and on level 3 you get FULL splash and frost in your attack.By the way it also adds some move speed.
Skill Builds
Before i start i want you to know is this is not a force you to use this in every game type of builds because its your hero and you should choose weather you want to use it or not.
[Recommanded Build]
Level 1 - Dragon Blood/Dragon Tail
Level 2 - Breathe Fire
Level 3 - Breathe Fire
Level 4 - Dragon Blood
Level 5 - Breathe Fire
Level 6 - Elder Dragon Form
Level 7 - Breath Fire
Level 8 - Dragon Blood
Level 9 - Dragon Blood
Level 10 - Stats/Dragon Tail/Dragon Blood
Level 11 - Elder Dragon Form
Level 12 - Dragon Tail
Level 13 - Dragon Tail
Level 14 - Dragon Tail
Level 15 - Dragon Tail
Level 16 - Elder Dragon Form
Level 17-25 -Stats
Okay I shall explain why i(and you) will follow this build.Level 1 we add Dragon Blood instead of Breath of fire because a level 1 breath of fire damage is very low and its mana cost is just too high!Adding into dragon blood will help you survive although its just 1 hp regen and 2 armor.After that,level 2-3 is where you will add more points into breath.At level 1 you may also add 1 point into Dragon Tail if you want to be safe from early ganks and an easy escape,but imo if you are experience enough and know how to avoid getting(i.e hear missing calls and know what your lane enemies are capable of) not getting it is okay.I have play many LAN/TDA/IHC/Pubs and i rarely used my Dragon Tail till mid game.But you never know if something wrong happens,it okay to play safe= ).
By level 2 if theres a chance to get 2 creep kills with breath don't hesitate.In level 4 we continue to add dragon blood.The reason we are pumping Dragon Blood instead of Dragon Tail is because in early game,Dragon Tail is next to useless unless you have a disable teammate.Getting 1 point in between is not a bad chioce.When ever you think you will need Dragon Tail for escaping and disable be my guest,as i've said, you do NOT exactly need to follow this build 100%.This is just a base guideline.Getting elder dragon form at level one is not a bad idea.Some people say this level 1 ulti is shit.By level 6 you can already burst your 1st tower giving you a 500 and 200 your teammate gold bonus.
Continue to max both your dragon blood and breath fire.By mid game your game is beginning to get easier with 8 armor,4 hp regen and a AOE breath fire which is easily spammable if you followed my core item build.Now while farming adding more points into Dragon Tail is not a bad choice since you will still be farming but ganks are happening so much often and you better be ready.With tail not only you can avoid ganks but you may even come out with a kill = )
You maxed your Tail and Elder Dragon Form.You already finished your core build with 1 tier four item.All the enemy are aware of your true potential now.Getting kills,pushing and assisting teammates are your top to-do list now.
Item Builds
Core Items
2 bracers,Arcane Ring,and Boots Of Travel
Okay i'll explain why these is my main core items.2 bracers for early game hp and mana,Boots for TP around when you spot a big pack of creeps for extra gold.But why arcane you ask?The real question should be why NOT arcane?Alot of people would say that ring of bassilius would give him sufficient mana but i say screw that!With arcane you are estimated to have enough mana for 1 breath every 46 seconds with its 100 mana replenish every 33 seconds and breath of fire's 150 mana cost.If every time you kill 2 creeps with breath you are estimated to earn 80 gold every 45 second with last hitting!And with arcane you can be able to use elder dragon form and spam breath of fire without worrying about mana for dragon tail incase of emergency!Even bassilius can't do that!
Items After Core
Heart,Satanic,Assault Cuirass,Guinsoo,Radience
Yes after our core build it is a must to get a extra powerful item in your inventory.
Heart of Terrasque is a good item giving you nearly 1k hp.I recommand you to get this item if your team has no better tank i.e. Pandaren or Centaur.
Satanic is a ripped item on Davion.The strengh bonus it gives you is very good and the life steal is perfect for a tanking/dps hero like him.He last longer to do more chaos.
Assault is also a good item on a tank/dps for him.Especially good for him is most of his enemy heroes are not nukers and the ais and armor help him alot!
Guinsoo is one of the most sweet item on Dragon Knight.It gives him mana and mana regen to his pityfully crap mana pool and he is able to spam breath of fire way more often.The hex is always welcome in team fights too.
Radience is practically good on most heroes and also good in Davion.I woul'nt recommand you to get this items although its very good on him because there are way better heroes that are suited for this item than Davion.
Situational Items
Hood of The Defiance,Vanguard,Gem of True Sight
Hood Of The Defiance should be gotten on him is 3-5 of your enemy teams are heavy nukers as this item give a 30% damage reduction on thier skill and greatly screw them up.
Vanguard is gotten before completing you main build if your lane enemies are good or pro harassers like drow or enhantress.
Gem Of True Sight should be holded by you as with your high hp you can't die as much as your team.Get it only when your enemys have more then 2-3 invis heroes.
Rejected Items
Battlefury DOES not stack with Elder Dragon Form as it is already 100% full splash damage and a fury does not make it "135%" splash.In melee mode he does not need this item at all as Breath Fire is already good enough.
Skadi.Getting this item is almost as retarded as battle fury..your ulti already have frost so don't bother getting this as the money with it can be used to get nicer items.
Basher.I've seen ppl get basher on him and i would like to say htat bashers are only good for heroes with bash.
If you find spamming fire more better than more hp get nulls.
Tried this.Did fairly well.If you have trouble farming you might want to get this before your tier 4 items.Its really good for Davion.
Nevered tried this in a real game before but people say its good.I find it "okay" since dk needs more mana than hp.But i can't say i'm profesionnal so i'll add this here.
Sapphire water and tangos.In early games i would reccomand you to have Both as both has pros and cons.If your hp is moderate(around half) you can use tango for moderate regen and save the sapphire for when your enemy used thier combo or harrased you to red health you can use the quick new 10 second hp regeneration
Pet Couriors is good on a lane staying hero like DK.If someone in your team gets them be sure to ask nicely to share chicken.If not you should buy yourself one on your second trip back to fauntain( first trip is for completing second bracer and boots of speed and if you have extra money only get a courior.Because you would want to complete your core build as soon as possible)
For DK its possible to get stout and not complete vanguard later.The 40% to block creep is always welcome in early games.And alot of times when i play pubs i rarely require vanguard which costs 2.4k but other then the 250 hp,need the 60% creep block.In mid game you can call this item less useful on DK other than axe.So getting stout for early game and selling it later is not useless.
Everyone loves blinks!But i won't add it in core builds because he don't need it to initiate anything.
Yes,your asking why the **** is Dagon for DK.Theorycraft wise,its a nono as DK is STR hero and Dagon is INT hero item.Well this is not Theorycraft,its Warcraft!...well DotA to be exact.Anyway this item is not really that bad on him.If a agi combo hero like Nerubian assasin can use it so can us!If you played dk a few times,there are times when you do your "whack,whack,whack,stun,whack,whack,whack,fire" combo you will noticed alot of the times the enemy runs with red hp!This is a "finisher" to your special combo .If you can farm this very very early then why not?
Divine Reaper.Saying it makes shiver come down my spine .Erm..anyway,if the game is really lagging then after two hearts or a heart and a assault,you can go divine-aegis or just plain divine.Why?Dk has high hp and with 2 hearts he's near impposible to kill unless all 5 heroes gb him but even that by that time Dk and his 4 teammates will tear them apart.Just make sure you have blink or lothar edge by that time if your not confident.You never know when things get ugly like Blood Seeker or Phantom Assasin with 6 divines.
I did a DIY picture.Although it sucks,its the best i can do with paint because my photoshop is already past the 1-month test try D=.boots of speed should be gotten before arcane ring and become boots of travel before tier four items..I'll be updating it when-ever i can unless someone wants to help me do-it =)
Friends and Enemies
non-ulti AOE nukers
Farming is a drag for dragon knight.So to get more money why not they use thier AOE nukes to lower the creep hp then you use yours to get the gold!Be sure to do the same thing next wave but let them do it last so both of you gets whole creep waves worth of gold
Range Stunners
Your pethetic stun can be made more useful with these people..
Improving SKills
Treant with your Dragon Blood makes you get a whole lot of Armor!Lich too,if only he does not spend his time early game maxing his 1st and 3rd skill =__=.
Screw this guy!He does well with anybody =__=
Bad Enemies
Screw him!His Ulti is more imba then yours,his stun can be used further range and his cleave does more aoe late game.Whats worst is hes more ripped and his muscle and size are nicer then you!!!If you see him godstrengh be sure to stun him and run
Bashing heroes with bashers
G@y asses like them actually beat you.Perma bashers even with high hp its not really easy to beat them 1 vs 1.People who distroy these heroes by buying bashers should be banned in dotA!!
This women can make you getting a heart close to useless,1 critical deals 1k damage and your heart is gone.
His ulti sucks on you,period.reducing your armor=boo for tankers.
Mana Burners
Whats the use of following my guide when these bastards will suck out your mana,every time you use your arcane.When you lane these people depending on which hero get vanguard/hoods
% based spells
Anti-tanks as i'll call them,Focus fire them first!!
Chaos Knight
Lets call him your rival.A well farmed chaos knight can really kick ass.His phantasm and chaos bolt can do wonders on you.Even with full splash,its hard to bring him and his clones down..
Early Game
Against 1 Nuker:Don't stay too near.Fire when nessesary,every fire is important so make it cout(i.e hitting 1-2 creep kills and hitting the guy)Tower hug alot.Use courior to bring items.
Against 2 Nukers(solo):Play it safe,don't even think of going near to harass.Tower hug and let them push nearer to your tower.Get creep kills with fire and fast last hitting.Don't try to deny if they are near the creeps.Call for ganks often.
Against 2 Nukers(w/lane mate):Hopefully your lane mate has a disable.Add 1 point into stun.Make sure you don't be overconfident.With your lanepartner farming is easier.With level one stun and your teammate,hopefully you get a first blood/double kill.
You get hood of the defiance if you have 3-5 nukers in your team.
Against 1 Orb-walker:Fire and last hit/deny orb-walkers aren't as bad as nukers.Use tango whenever your hp is around 60%-75%.Don't tank orb-walkers if they are precisely hitting you.
Against 2 Orb-walker(solo):although rare it sometimes happen and you must be prepared.Fire when possible and focus last hitting.Don't deny unless the creep is right infront of you.If the enemy has a slower i.e viper/drow play it even safer.Get your courior to bring nourisments
Against 2 Orb walker(w/ lane mate):last hit and deny.Use fire-harass.Your teammate should have a skill that would help you harass in anyway(etc centaur stomp or crystal maiden frost nova).Don't be caught between 2 orbs as it can be dangerous.Get your courior to bring nourisments
Vanguard is not a bad idea
Against 1 Late-game hero:Hahaha your lucky,give them hell.Be on guard when your teammate tells you hero is missing.Fire-harass when theres 2 creep with silver-red health.Farm as much and harass when they come near
Against 2 Late-game hero(solo):Fire harass both often.But you are also weak early game.Don't be too agressive as they might have a higher chance to kill you.Call forganks if they are giving you a hard time.
Against 2 Late-game hero(w/ teammate):Same as above but you can be slightly more aggresive with your teammate backing you up.Remember to not tank towers.
Lets go to mid-game!!
Mid Game
Farm farm farm+Push push push.your core items is already complete(or almost..),if you see 1-2 people pushing a lane et over there and couter push.Farm as many creeps as you can because you will need the gold to buy your tier 4 items.
Late Game
You are now a lean,mean kick ass machine!You haved been pimped and you now a well oiled machine!Go beserk on any hero you see.Push,push push until you reach the frozen throne.The game is yours now,own those bastards!
thx to 1st post SolarBoyK@dota-allstars.com
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